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HMA Assistance

(816) 964-0961


As funds are available, a partial payment of $100 for rent or utilities is available for residents of Cass County by completing an application at the thrift shop (1405 S. Commercial Street) or by using the online form on this page. In addition to your personal information, rent/lease payment assistance requires the name, address and phone number of your landlord and utility assistance requires your account number and the amount you last paid to the utility.


Completed applications must be left at the thrift shop or submitted using the online form.


You will be contacted within three business days to let you know if the alliance can pay part of your bill by sending a check to your landlord or paying your utility bill online.


Telephone requests and last minute requests cannot be processed.


Clothing vouchers are available at the thrift shop. Requests for motel rooms, fuel and medicine are not the focus of the HMA benevolence program and will be considered on a case by case basis.


The alliance provides food to clients through the Shepherd’s Staff Food Pantry on Friday afternoons, not through the alliance benevolence office at the thrift shop.




Funding for benevolence comes from thrift store sales, the City of Harrisonville Helping Hands utility assistance program, the United Way, and gifts from churches, community organizations and individuals.


If you would like to support the benevolence fund financially, please make checks payable to the Harrisonville Ministerial Alliance and mail them to P.O. Box 262, Harrisonville, MO, 64701.  Thank you for your thoughtful generosity.

Assistance up to $100 currently available
Request Assistance

Thanks for your request. Youwill receive a phone call within three business days.

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